- Free parking area?
- Yes, up to 10 cars (EV charger available).
- The time of check-in and Checkout?
- Check-in: 15:00 PM / Check-out: 10 AM.
- Pet ok?
- Please ask first, it is case by case.
- Can I smoke in the room?
- No, non-smoking. Outside is OK.
- How is the amenity?
- The quantity of amenity is based on the traveler’s number.
Please read “Guest houses”page.
- Do you have kitchenware?
- Yes, we provide Made-in-Japan high-quality kitchenware. Please read “Guest houses”page.
- Payment method?
- Cash、Master、Visa、JCB、American Express、Diners Club、Discover、au Pay、Rakuten Pay、Edy、Apple Pay、nanaco、WAON、iD、Suica、PASMO、Alipay、WeChat、Union Pay、LinePay、and PayPay.
- Pickup service?
- We could pick you up at Karuizawa or Naka-karuizawa station if needed,
Please contact us (extra charge). Please read “Access” Page.
- Do you clean the room during the stay?
- We change towels, amenities and collect rubbish for you every day, If you need other services please contact.
- Can I burn a bonfire and fireworks
- Yes, bonfires and fireworks are OK (extra charge).
- How about BBQ?
- BBQ is available in your own private garden.
BBQ set rental(+8000JPY Pay in the hotel):
・BBQ Charcoal grill(Weber)
・table, chaire
・paper plate
・chop sticks
・rubbish bag
・BBQ charcoal 6kg, fire starter
Please prepare food and drinks by yourself.
We will start the fire of charcoal for you and clean up (You do not need to clean after use)
Please contact in case that you need.
- Cancel fee?
- By 30 days : 0%
From 29 days to 20 days 50%
After 19 days 100%
– Guest number change
From 30 days: no price change on downsizing guest numbers.